Employees: The individualized care provided at Maximum Function will allow you to safely return to work with the confidence needed to improve performance and significantly reduce your risk of re-injury.
Employers: Reduce your risk of liability by ensuring a safe work environment. We can perform specialized ergonomic assessments that are specific to your work place while making recommendations to improve safety.
Case managers: Maximum Function will provide prompt scheduling ongoing communication regarding patient care. Electronic reports are generated within 24-48 hours.
Physicians: Once the course of physical therapy has been completed, ensure your patient is fit to safely return to work by referring them for an FCE. A baseline FCE will objectively compare a patient's functional ability with current job demands. Work conditioning and work hardening programs will bridge the gap between discharge from outpatient physical therapy to return to full work duty.
Attorneys: Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE's) are an extension of the Independent Medical Examination (IME). Objectify your client's level of disability as it pertains to function. Has your client's ability to perform activities of daily living and/or return to full work duty been impacted by an injury? Dr. Nieves will provide expert testimony to interpret report findings in a court of law.